Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dear Teresa- Two Months in Paradise

Dear Teresa,
 It has been two months since you went to paradise.
So how are we doing?
It is really hard to put into words how we are doing.  There have been days that are really hard for us to understand "Why"?  For a parent to bury a child is just wrong. Having to pick out burial clothes,a cemetery plot, a grave stone and putting away all their childs belongings is wrong.  Children are not suppose to die.  They are suppose to experience all the joys in the world like riding a bike, graduating, getting married...  I often wonder why God would allow parents to feel such sorrow?  It is a sadness that can not be put into words.  It encompasses your entire being. The only way I can describe it is , a "Broken Alleluia".

Our faith tells us we will see you again Sweet Pea in Heaven.  And every day without you is one day closer to being with you again.  There are days that we have tremendous peace knowing that God has always had a plan for your life.  And we were just a very small piece of the puzzle.  God continues to lead us on this journey and  we are humbled to be so privileged to have been called your parents for three years.  What a blessing!
We continue to try and adjust to our life without you here. It is still so hard to wake up every morning with out your cheerful "good morning".    There are days where we all seem to be in disbelief that you are gone.   But we are going on.  Trying to live like you lived with tremendous joy for each day, even though your days were filled with so much suffering.   The girls talk about all that they are grateful for every day. We have so much to be thankful for.   God blessed us with you for three years.   Three of the best years of our lives. Filled with so much joy and happiness.  This is more than some people will ever have in a life time. We are eternally grateful to God for blessing us with so much.
The day before you received your "Hero's Heart".  You were having fun being a Princess mermaid.

I have to say though ,   I have never been so happy to see summer end.   Summer was always our favorite season,  filled with lazy days of fun and family, swimming at the pool ,  catching lightning bugs, snow balls and endless days of princess parties.   Unfortunately our summer ended on the day it began.

School has started and the girls were all excited to see their friends.  I am happy the girls are getting into a routine again.  On the first day of school Teresa, the girls decided to hold Baby Belle ( your favorite toy) in the photo to remember you.  They are always thinking of you and talking to you.  Gemma kneels down in front of your bed and says her prayers every night.  She was so sweet tonight as she was talking to you.  She said she can't wait to see you again in Heaven and have a happy ending.

Daddy and I have been very busy getting ready to go to China next week.  I know you are  so happy that we are  helping other children have their "Forever Families" just like you ! Thank you to everyone that has helped with supplies and donations to take to China.  We are very thankful.

You made Gemma so happy the other day when you sent her a beautiful blue butterfly.   We were talking about the little white animals we had seen and how they  reminded us of you.  Gemma said she hoped you would send her a blue butterfly.    Well when we came home the other day we walked up to the front porch to sit down and a beautiful blue butterfly flew around all of us leading us to my chair and sat down on it.  It sat there for 5 minutes just flapping its wings.  You made Gemma so happy!

Mother Teresa
A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.

You always had such a joyful heart. Always loving others.
Remember when we carved your name into the tree?   You thought that was so silly.  You said it would always be your tree.

We love you more Teresa !


  1. Another wonderful tribute to your precious Teresa. You were indeed fortunate to know such a precious angel for the three years God gave her to you. The best thing to do is take one day at a time. After my husband went to heaven, there were days when I thought I would not make it, but God continually gave me the strength I needed. He will do the same for you and your family. Memories of Teresa will always be a part of your life. Embrace those times and keep believing in God's unfailing love.

  2. Such A Testament To God's Love In Your Family. Thank You Ann For Continuing To Share Your Journey With Us. - Dave Stanghellini And Family
