Monday, June 17, 2013

Teresa Has A Heart

Ann and Ed got a call this afternoon and were told that Teresa has a heart! They are on their way to CHOP now. Please pray for Teresa!!

We will post updates to the blog and the Pray for Teresa B Facebook group as we get them.

- Laura and Eddy


  1. Prayers for Teresa and for the child that lost their life today. Please keep us updated as time allows!

  2. Praying in southern Indiana!!!!!

  3. Praying for this sweet child

  4. Praying for Teresa and for the family of the child whose heart Teresa will receive.Praying for peace for your family also.

  5. Praying for this sweet girl. Lord take Teresa in your arms and heal her. Amen

    From Deb and Mia

  6. Praying for Teresa. May our Great Physician lay His hands upon her and heal her. Praying for the family of the child who is now with Christ. May they be granted peace and comfort now and in the years to come. Blessings and peace for you all.

    Betsy Perry
    Adrian, Michigan

  7. Keeping Teresa and all of you in our prayers and hearts.
