Friday, June 7, 2013

Super Girl

Teresa had a good check up today at CHOP.
  Her blood work was about the same from last month and her heart  function was the same.   The only thing that was down a little were the results from her 6 minute stress test.  She could not walk as long as last month and her oxygen dropped to 39 during the test but she recovered to 54 after resting  (  O2 levels for a healthy person are close to 100. If you or I had an O2 level of 39 we would most likely be unconscious ) , but not little Miss T.  Her body has compensated for living with  such very low oxygen levels.   She has the will of a Super Hero  to go on and does not let the little tiny inconvenience of low O2 levels stop her.  

She had another fun time giving the NP's  manicures and all her favorite Doctors lots of hugs. Teresa LOVES to hug people. 

As far as Teresa's transplant - she is still listed as status 1A and has been waiting now for 11 months for her gift of  life.  Her transplant nurse shared with us that in the past 6 months there have been fewer transplant offers than in the past several years.  She also said that because of Teresa's weight , these children usually wait the longest for their precious gift of life.
As Teresa  continues to wait we are so thankful to God that she is stable and able to enjoy every minute of life.  She wakes up every morning giving us all huge hugs and kisses with the sweetest little "Good Morning". The best things in life are free and could very easily go unappreciated until you realize they could all be gone in a heart beat.

Little Miss Budha Belly (aka, Gemma Rose, is lovingly called this because of her big belly from her love of food but also because she is always smiling like a happy Budha ), Unfortunately did not have such a great day today with her blood transfusion.  Her hemoglobin was very low and now she will have to return in three weeks for her next blood transfusion. ( we were trying to stretch to 4 weeks to help with her iron overload).  I could tell by her energy level and her color this past week that her levels were low.  But I was praying they would be high enough to make it another 4 weeks in between transfusions.

Loving every minute with all of our treasures ...Believe In Miracles ...They are all around us ,we just have to see with our hearts!


  1. Overall a good doctor report - I love hearing when God answers our prayers - or at least some of them! Trusting in His plan!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. So glad Teresa continues to do well with all the challenges to her little system. The girls are ALL getting so big, they just grow up so fast!! Continuing to pray for you all. God bless and keep you.
    The Carr Family
