Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 2 ECMO

First I would like to thank our wonderful community an church for the beautiful prayer service last night . I was told it was amazing . This does our heart good . Our friends are amazing ! Teresa had a pretty good night . We had a few scary moments but she quickly fought back . She is really trying to be the boss of her new heart . Her liver and kidney function was very high so we need those numbers to come down . We are waiting for rounds . The talk is the left ventricle may not be functioning because of how small her old left atrium was ( almost none existent ) and thus is causing problems with how the new heart was connected . This could mean she would need another major surgery to correct. She still has very little heart function . Her body is trying to recuperate from the stress yesterday of cardiac arrest and CPR . She has a very high chance of seizures because of this so she is hooked up to a n EEG to monitor brain function for seizures .
I know god has thus and is in complete control . We are praying for a complete healing and for god to be glorified through Teresa s life . Our girl is fighting hard to live . She wanted so much to be able to ride her princess bike without her oxygen .
Thank you all for all the prayers love and support! We can not answer everyone but please know your prayers and love are carrying Ed and I .
We have also been blessed by wonderful doctors and nurses here at CHOP.
Teresa s nurse last night painted her nails pink . She has had her princess tiara on the entire time and they even let her go into the or wearing her gown and tiara . The hospital gown was just not princessy enough .
Please also pray for Teresa's HERO , her heart donor. I can not wait to listen to it beating .... Hopefully soon .
 We also wanted to let everyone know that NBC will be airing a follow up to Tersea's story that was aired on Christmas eve.  Our hope is that by doing so it will bring more people praying for Teresa's miracle and also bring more awareness to organ donation and the tremendous need for HERO'S like Teresa's HERO.
We are taking life minute by minute and are so grateful to GOD for allowing Teresa to have another day here with us even if it is just to hold her hand.


  1. I have been constantly praying since I read about the transplant. May God also bless you, your family, and the health care professionals responsible for Teresa's care.

  2. God bless teresa and family

  3. From one mom to you my heart is broke. However, she's here still fighting and I believe she will over come this. Being a donor daughter, my mom donated and passed suddenly in 3/2011, and from the donor side let me tell you how we feel. First, you find renewed hope in seeing life in someone else thanks to the one you lost so we start to see it as not a loss but new life. That heart came to her selflessly and the heart is an amazing organ. I have faith her donor was as strong as she is and that's why she got it. When I found the people who my mother gave sight to it gave me hope again don't ever lose your hope no matter what. So, from a donor family to a recipient you all have just came into the greatest support system of your lives. God grew her in your alls heart just as he helped grow the one inside her now. Faith in him can undoubtedly move mountains.

    Lots of love,
    Kelly~ Donatelife and lifepoint advocate and public speaker in WV and SC.

  4. Our prayers are with you. Our family could not make the prayer service but we said a family rosary for Teresa last evening and we'll continue to pray for her healing.

  5. Prayers dor teresa and your family. She is beautiful and to God all the glory! !

  6. Spreading the word and continuing to pray in SC. May God be glorified through this and may He grant you the strength, courage, and peace that you need in the minutes, hours, and days ahead. And may Teresa be the boss of her new heart!

  7. Thank you for your update. I'm one of those you don't know, but Teresa's story touches my heart. Last night, my women's Bible study (Greeley, Colorado), prayed for Teresa and added her to our prayer list for continual prayer. Blessings.

  8. Teresa is in our family's prayers as are your entire family. I have been praying the Express Novena to our Blessed Mother for her intercession for Teresa's full recovery. I have also been praying for Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta's intercession as well. God be with you and may his angels protect your adorable daughter.


  9. God Bless Teresa and her beautiful heart. Many prayers in Gods ear for her.

  10. I have to say Ann that I can't get your family off my mind. We've never met...I've just found out about Teresa's story since you went to CHOP for the transplant. I have a Hail Mary on my lips every few minutes the last couple of days for her. Please know there are many other strangers praying for your sweet Teresa! What a beautiful little soul.

  11. I keep praying for your beautiful daughter and for her Hero's family.

  12. Following your blog and sincerely pray that your little daughter soon recovers from surgery ..

    We have a daughter from China which is operated in the heart and with serious subsequent complications - Emmy is 100% healthy and fresh today, so there is hope ..

    Your little daughter has wonderful parents

    So many thoughts from Denmark

  13. Oh I so believe in miracles also and know your little PRINCESS is going to be just fine as God I pray will bring her, her miracle real soon. God bless and hang strong.

  14. I am praying for Teresa and your family. Cried through reading all of these posts. You don't know me, doesn't matter. We adopted our daughter from China in 2006. My heart goes out to all of you. May God grant your healing prayer.

  15. We have been praying and will not stop!!!!! Teresa has been in our prayers and on our prayer board in our home for years...we have not stopped praying for your precious princess. We are praying for God to intervene in a big way and for Him to be glorified through all of this!!!!!
    Continually lifting you all up in Alabama,
    Laine--heart mama to Kevin from China

  16. Please know that God has provided many prayer warriors for Teresa. We are in the Chicagoland area. We will continue to pray that God bless her with restored health ASAP. Lily Grace is a miracle and God is in the business of miracles just as yesterday, today and tomorrow. We will continue to watch Teresa's journey. We are praying for you her family also. Hang in there! In His Grip
    Sue and Dan

  17. Hi Ann,

    I believe in miracles too! Anything is possible for those who believe :):)

    God bless and prayers are always flowing from FL.,
    Lee Ann

  18. Praying for you and your daughter and her beautiful new heart. I am quite accustomed to the CCU at CHOP as we spent a few months there with my daughter. I am living very close to CHOP, PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do for you all. Meals, a hot shower, someone to just sit and listen. I am here.

    -In Faith By Grace -Kimberly Seitzinger

  19. I believe in miracles & continue to pray!

  20. Teresa's story is going out and bringing Him the glory even now. We have never met, but I and many others you haven't met, are lifting her up to her Father. So glad for the update!

  21. We are in Ellicott City and our daughter Julie Teresa, also born with HLHS and treated at CHOP, passed away at 18 while waiting for a new heart. Her gravestone up at St. Johns Lane reads, "I love you more."

    My husband and I are praying for Julie to intercede for Teresa to our Lord. There are so many connections! And Julie Teresa is a good nag!! so our prayers are in good hands. Keep the faith - take a breather walk over at Penn... and our love and prayers are with you all.

    Pat and Teresa McDermott
