Saturday, April 20, 2013

Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow !

This past week we created so many  happy memories ...

Teresa loves to eat soup  .  So we made our famous crab soup .
Believe in Miracles also had a delicious fundraiser for Teresa.
THANK YOU  to all of our friends who came out to help support Teresa at  Sweet Frog !  We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful community .  Your love and support has helped us on this very long journey .

We played dress up and pretended we were getting married ...
We wore blue and green on National organ donation awareness day ...

And we went to the Circus underneath the big top tent !

Some times it is very difficult to "pretend " our life is "normal ".  As we go on 9 months of waiting for Teresa's gift of life it is a struggle most days to live as though there will be a happy tomorrow .  Having little "happy " things to look forward to has made it a little bit easier for the girls .

This has become our "new normal" for the past 9 months .  Waiting , hoping, praying and BELIEVING!
With GOD all things are possible .
Believe in Miracles !

Thank you to everyone for all of the continued prayers and support for Teresa!
We cherish all of your comments and love for our sassy, sweet and spunky little Miss T.
We BELIEVE there will be a great big beautiful tomorrow for Teresa !


  1. I'm so sorry Theresa's wait for her new heart has been so long. I know its very stressful to be waiting.

    What I want you to know is how much the love and joy that your family and Teresa has, just glows off of the page. While you can't change her diagnosis, you are doing many things right. Loving and enjoying her and her siblings and making special memories, is really all that life is about.

    Big Hugs to you all.

  2. We're believing right along with you. During our family prayer time a few nights ago our Hannah prayed that "God would give Teresa brand new parts from His parts storehouse so she could be healthy and happy". I never discount the faith and prayers of a child : )
    Still keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
    The Carr Family

  3. Just Blessings on you guys - we remember you everyday!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. Praying for you and your beautiful family every day!
    Theresa from Georgia

  5. I showed my 6 year old daughter (adopted from China) Teresa's video of her singing. A couple of weeks later she told me all excited that the school played this same song for exercise time over the loud speaker. She called it Teresa's song. So sweet. We continue to lift Teresa up in prayer every night. She also named one of her stuffed animals Teresa. Continued prayers.

  6. Dear Ann,

    I think the concept of having fun things to look forward is a great way to make the time pass until Teresa's miracle happens. Actually, every day is a miracle for her and when the big one comes there will be rejoicing all over the world :)
    Praying for the miracle to occur soon,
    Lee Ann
