Saturday, March 2, 2013

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall

Summer , Fall , Winter and  now Spring . I am getting ready to re pack my suitcase for our fourth season .

 It has been 8 months that Teresa has been waiting for a new heart .  We have been living out of a suitcase that has been  packed and repacked several times.  I don't think I will  look at a suitcase in the same way ever again . It use to represent vacations full of fun , happiness and relaxation with family and friends .  It now represents fear , pain and  suffering but most of all hope .  Hope for a better tomorrow .
This has been the longest journey we have ever been on and we have not even left home yet..

November 30,  the day Teresa almost had her new heart .  It has been 4 months since that night .  That night changed us all in many ways .
Teresa was so excited .  She was not scared or fearful .  She wanted to get her new heart so she could ride her bike and play without having to wear her oxygen .  As she was prepared to be intubated  I told her how much I loved her and I leaned over and whispered in her ear  " You are now the BOSS".     Teresa looked at me and said  " I love you more MaMa ".   This is the photo I took of her right after she said that .  In her eyes I did not see a little girl anxiously waiting to celebrate Christmas or her sixth Birthday .  What I saw was a very old soul in complete peace getting ready for the fight of her life .

I Believe In Miracles !


  1. Keep believing Ann, Teresa's whole life so far has been a miracle and your families presence in her life is a complete blessing of the Lord.
    We are standing with you in prayer and spirit believing right along with you.
    The Carr Family

  2. Such a tiny little princess who is showing the world what the true meaning of love is.

    God bless you little Teresa.

    Love you miracle girl.

  3. Ann, don't despair, life holds hidden rewards.

    We are praying for all of you.

  4. I have been praying for your family and Theresa since Theresa came home and I pray and hope her heart arrives soon.

  5. Continuing to pray that Teresa will get her new heart very soon. Also, praying for all the family as you all wait for the surgery. God's blessing on Teresa.

  6. We believe too Ann - and know in the fullness of our hearts that our adopted kids really are "old souls" - with a wisdom that surpasses all understanding!

    Prayers continue - Blessings on all you guys -

    and hugs - aus and co.

  7. Prayers are still being sent everyday for Theresa and your family. God Bless you all! Cara

  8. Such a beautiful picture. Serene and strong. Continued prayers. Theresa from Georgia.

  9. No need for tissue warnings on your blog. I need to just know I need a tissue when I come. You have a beautiful way with words, and you have a precious little girl there. She does look older in that photo. She gets it in ways many of us never will this side of heaven.

    I am praying for her new heart. I don't like the timing but I am believing her miracle is coming!
