Monday, March 11, 2013

Just A Cold

Teresa has had a cold for a few days and it was not getting any better so we headed up to CHOP this morning for a check up . 

The cold is causing her heart function to decrease and her lungs to be wet .   So to try and alleviate these problems she was started on a new medicine today .  Instead of staying in the hospital and possibly catching another nasty bug we came home and will return to CHOP  on Friday . 

Even though this cold has made her VERY tired and her breathing very labored ( her O2 is dropping to 62 when she plays ),  it has not stopped her .  She is like the energizer Bunny , she just keeps on going .  She does not want to miss anything . 

Today was Spa  day in the clinic !  She gave both NP's  a manicure including Steve .   She loves him !

Celebrating the little things in life are so rewarding !


  1. She looks great! Hope the cold gets better quickly and the new med is helpful. Prayers - Theresa from Georgia
    PS. Love the new music:)

  2. I pray for little Teresa every night. Will pray specifically for her cold to go away quickly. Love her smile, she is just so precious!

  3. Praying that Teresa will get better soon and praying the medicine will help. Continued prayers for you and your family.

  4. Thankful that you have a guy like Steve on Team Teresa too!! ;)

    And Steve - extremely cool bro - extremely cool!

    hugs - prayers -

    aus and co.

  5. How DO they DO that? Keep on going when the O2 drops. The resilience is amazing. I can't imagine there is anyone who isn't Teresa's friend. What a smile!
