Monday, February 25, 2013

CHOP visit

Today's visit at CHOP was pretty good .  Teresa's heart looks the same ( which is a good thing , not any worse ) but because of the teeny tiny virus she had two weeks ago , her breathing is still heavy when she plays and her oxygen sats. drop into the 60's .
  This has been a very bad year for viruses .   Even with getting the flu vaccination ,  cleaning , taking shoes off in the house, washing hands very frequently , and practically bleaching everything almost daily , the girls are still bringing home lots of nasty viruses .  Lucy has been the hardest hit with bronchitis,  pneumonia and asthma attacks almost every other week it seems . Last week she had a very bad stomach bug.  Luckily Teresa has been able to avoid catching any of these bugs.  

Teresa had a fabulous time painting the Nurse practitioners finger nails  today during her check up .  I wish I had gotten a picture of it . HE is such a good sport . Luckily she painted them blue !



  1. Hi Ann,

    I believe in miracles too, and I think we are in the midst of one with Teresa!!!!!! I caught the part about the nurse practitioner being a "he". Yes, he must have been a great sport :)
    Praying daily and nightly for Teresa's miracle to be completed,
    Lee Ann

  2. Continued prayers for Teresa and for your whole family. - Theresa in Georgia

  3. Continue to pray for sweet little Teresa. Love that the nurse was so cooperative, what a great guy!

  4. I believe too! Prayers and hugs -

    aus and co.
