Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year !
This year we were home for New Years Eve..  For the past two New Years we have been in the hospital .  Last year Teresa was in the Hospital and the year before I think it was Lucy .  We were so happy to start a new year at home and with our family .

Not much is new , we are still waiting for Teresa's Cath. to be rescheduled .  Yes, it has been two weeks and still no dates .   Because of her complex health a lot of planning has to go into scheduling all of her procedures...
We are also still waiting for "The Call". We were so grateful to spend Christmas at home and celebrate Teresa's 6th. birthday  but the waiting is really starting to affect everyone's emotions .  So many   months of living out of a suitcase , planning every minute of everyday making sure we have a plan for when and if we get the call is very nerve wracking  .  I think even the dogs are sensing the stress .
It seems we are doing a lot of waiting .  Waiting on Gods time for everything to happen .

Teresa continues to be feeling well  . She managed to stay free of all the nasty viruses the other girls had.

Emilia had her cast turned into a removable cast , one  that she can take off for bathing and physical therapy . Two more months and she will have the rod removed and finally have her new longer , straighter arm .
Paul and Meg went back to Atlanta for school .  The girls are missing them already , especially their two dogs (Dewey and Daphne). It was wonderful having all the kids home together for Christmas.  The best gift of Christmas !


  1. Continuing to pray for Miss T. I hope she will get her heart soon. While I can't completely understand, when our son had his surgery for his Tetrology of Fallot my husband suffered a small bout of post tramatic stress disorder. The stress of not knowing when he would need surgery drained on my poor man who held it together for the whole family. Hopefully, you will be spending every New Years Eve at home just celebrating and being happy.

  2. Good morning Ann - Happy New Year and only good things for '13! And yeah - family together at Christmas is the best gift of all!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. So glad for all the positives to speak of in this post!! Happy new year, continuing to pray and wishing you all the very best.
    The Carr Family
