Thursday, January 17, 2013


There is real concern that Teresa's pulmonary pressure has increased .  This is why she is having the cath. and MRI on Jan. 24th.  .
After speaking with the transplant team , we decided to put Teresa's status on hold for 7 days  until we can reevaluate the condition of her lungs after the cath. on Thursday .

For a heart transplant to be successful it is very important that the pulmonary pressure is low and the lungs are functioning well.   Teresa has always been considered high risk because although her pressure had come down slightly it was still high and her lungs were still damaged.  Now the fear is the pressure has increased and this would cause a new heart to go into right sided heart failure .  It is very difficult to live in right sided heart failure and have a good quality of life .  This would be worse than her living with the broken heart she has now.

A heart transplant  ( if successful and  with out any heart failure) , would give Teresa ten years before she would need another heart transplant . (Ten years is the average life of a transplanted heart ) .  If we do nothing and go on with the broken heart she now has , it is unknown.  She could have  one day or a few years.

Part of me wants to BELIEVE  God has brought her this far, and she is such a fighter  , that she will do just fine with a transplant . And then part of me is full of fear not knowing which way to turn .   Do we give her quality of life or quantity  ?  From day one we have always wanted both . We have tried to fill everyday with the best quality of life for her and pray that God would give her quantity of life .

On Thursday we will have to decide the best path for Teresa based on her cath. results.   We are praying   that she will have phenomenal  results from the cath. and MRI   and we will be able to proceed with the heart transplant .  We are praying God will clearly show us His decision and that we will have peace with it .
 Still praying for a miracle !

(This is my favorite picture of Teresa . It was taken on her adoption day in China .  She was sitting by the door holding her one and only possession , her panda bear , waiting for her family to come take her home .   She  BELIEVED we would come  !)


  1. My heart is with you, Ann, and your whole family. We are in very much the same place with our Joshua. We may have a short window of options or not. (I keep telling myself as I follow your journey) - We must trust God to make a light unto His path.

  2. Praying for wisdom for you and the doctors to do the right thing for her. Those decisions are so hard. I look at her face and see all that personality and love that she knows she is loved. What a beautiful gift you have given her. God bless you all and may His peace continue to surround you as you make these hard decisions.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ann. I'm Stacy from Portland, OR. My daughter is just a few weeks younger than Teresa and I've been following your blog for a few years now. Wanted to let you know that I'm praying for each heart in your family, and to let you know I'm so proud of you. It's clear that you are a splendid mom. Thank you. What a courageous example of God's love for all of us. I appreciated the example of love-inspired risk that you are demonstrating to the world. And I know that comes at great cost to you some days.

    I am praying for continued miracles for Teresa, and also for peace for you and your husband. I can imagine that the cath-related decisions would be incredibly hard. My trials have been different, but I know the challenges of waiting and hoping for assurance of my daughter's physical well-being. Like you, I like to ask for the best for her--quality and quantity.

    Cheering for and so proud of your family,


  5. Though I have not experienced anything like what you are going through, I realize how hard it must be for you to wait and see what the results of the cath and MRI will be. I will continue to pray for Teresa and her health, but especially for the results of the test next week. My prayers are also with your family and what all of you must be feeling at this time. May God give you peace and comfort during this very difficult time. May He show you just the path that you should take for Teresa. Love to you and your family.

  6. Good morning Ann and family - suffice to say it this way - we Believe!

    hugs and prayers - always - aus and co.

  7. Dear Ann,
    God's power and ability to heal and do miracles is incomprehensible to most humans. Everyone must pray that God will complete another miracle in Teresa and believe that He can do this. There is always Hope for those who Believe. Put all of this in God's hands. I now that is easy for me to say because she is not my daughter, but I have prayed for her daily since she came home. Anything is truly possible through Him! The kids and I will continue to pray for her miracle.
    God bless,
    Lee Ann

  8. I'm so sorry for the uncertainty. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Teresa is a miracle, and we will continue praying that God will grant your greatest desires for her life to continue and that she will be made well. Prayers continue in TN.

  9. Dear Ann,
    I am so sorry to hear this news about Teresa's pulmonary pressure. I know God has plans for Teresa and I know she will prosper. I feel for you, as a parent, to have to make such decisions. Seeing Teresa and her smile and hearing her story, makes me think things need to come through for her. She looks like just the person to be able to work with young children and help them with their own heart problems. I am going to add her to the Knee team for prayers. This is an awesome group of people who pray virtually together. Their prayers are heard and answered. I cannot explain it but this group is just amazing. Keep us posted.
    And, thank you, for adding these fragile children to your family. God has such faith in you and your husband to be able to choose these children for you. That Ann, says a lot.


  10. WE BELIEVE!!!!! Trusting the Lord has not brought this tough little fighter this far to not take her all the way. She WILL live,be strong and declare the glory of God. Standing on this and praying for peace, wisdom and complete healing for all who need His touch in your home. The Lord bless and keep you.
    The Carrs

  11. Praying and praying continually for Teresa!!!!

  12. Praying for you all every day and especially today.

