Monday, December 24, 2012

Teresa's Story


  1. Hi Teresa,

    We want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, and a Merry and Blessed Christmas to you and your family! We are praying for you all every day:)

    May God provide the family the strength to continue until Teresa is completely healed,

    Lee Ann and family

  2. Thank you for posting the link; I forgot to set the DVR. Happy Birthday to Teresa and I pray she will get her heart soon.

    Merry Christmas to your precious family.


  3. We loved seeing this piece on Today!!!! So wonderful to see our Teresa and all her sisters looking so happy and excited for Christmas. Teresa, we are sending you very special birthday wishes for a wonderful day for you and Jesus!

    Love you--

    Lynne and Amelia, turning 7 the day after Christmas!

  4. The program was beautifully done and the encouragement for other parents to consider orphans still waiting is greatly appreciated. Please wish a very Happy Birthday to Teresa tomorrow from her extended "internet" families!


  5. i recorded it so that i could see if when i got home from work today!!! what a beautiful family and little girl you have. i love your blog and pray for teresa everyday. god bless you and your family always!!!!

  6. I agree with the rest. It was a wonderful presentation on Teresa and the rest of your family. Wish Teresa a very Happy Birthday. Have a great day as we celebrate our Lord and Savior's birthday.

    Merry Christmas and wishes for a wonderful New Year to you and your famiuly.

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Teresa from Tennessee. God Bless!

  8. Hi! Belated Merry Christmas and happy birthday Teresa!

    Ann I admire your family and all that you do and are doing. Adopting is an amazing thing and your story gives me hope.

    2012 has been worst year of my life! In March my 13 yr old was murdered. Wow it's so devastating.

    Recently I traveled to Guatemala and visited an orphanage/hospital. I fell in love with a 4 yr old blind boy who recently had his second surgery on his cleft lip.

    I am interested in adoption and have been researching but as you know it's long and difficult process. I would love to hear more about your adoption process and any advice you can offer.

    I am so touched by your story and my prayers are with you for this miracle to happen! Keep the faith!

    Much love,

