Friday, December 28, 2012

Canceled Again

Unfortunately Teresa's Heart Cath. , MRI and feeding tube scheduled for today had to be canceled .

Yesterday after having the echo., chest x-ray and EKG, her Doctors felt the LITTLE cough that she had could possibly alter the results of the cath. negatively .  They do not want to take any chances ,  so we were sent home to wait .  Everything will be  be re scheduled in 2 weeks and we will try again .

The good news is we will be home for New Years Eve.


  1. Love you precious Teresa. You are so beautiful. We continue to pray for you and your family. Stay strong little one.

    Happy New Year

  2. HI Ann, Teresa, and family,

    Have a terrific New Year spending time with family :) Praying that her test yields positive results and her miracle occurs soon:)

    God bless all of you,

    Lee Ann & family

  3. Still praying for a miracle for Teresa. Praying for continued strength for your family. The wait, expectation, and the unknown have got to be so stressful.

  4. God Bless all of you!.
