Thursday, November 29, 2012

Urgent! Heart Transplant!

Hello everyone, this is alex. My parents and Teresa are currently on their way to Philly for Teresa's heart transplant. Please keep them in your prayers!!


  1. Praying and Holding All of You Close.

    with Hope,
    ~ Chris A ~
    Scottsdale, AZ

  2. Hi Alex!

    Thanks for the update! Praying and spreading the word!!!

  3. Praying for your family and sweet little Teresa. Be strong will one. God will be right beside you holding your hand!

  4. Praying for that mighty miracle to makes its place within your family!!

    With love and prayer in St. Louis,

  5. Praying for your family. Been following your blog for months and have had your family on my mind lately. Pray for you often!

    Mia from IL

  6. Praying in Virginia! Thank you for letting us know so we could be lifting everyone up in prayer.

  7. We are praying here! Also praying for the family who had to say goodbye to their child tonight. I thank God for their strength to give the gift of life for Teresa.

  8. Will say lots of extra prayers for Teresa and your family that all goes well. Also will say prayers for the family who are suffering a painful loss tonight, but pray that they find some comfort in knowing that their child's 'heart & spirit' will continue to live on and 'give life' to another child. Pam M.-Chicago

  9. Praying now.The gift of life comes with a price. Praying for both families right now.

  10. Have not kept up with your family's blog in a long time, but saw a prayer request and came to see why. Praying the intercession of Blessed Mother Teresa and a precious little Saint named Henry to watch over little Teresa and guide the surgeon's hands and keep her free from all infection or other complications.

  11. Im asking, petitioning Mother Teresa of Calcutta to intercede on
    little Teresa's behalf. Bless you all at this difficult, hopeful time. mm,vancouver,wa.

  12. God Bless everyone involved in Teresa 's transplant. May He wrap His arms of comfort around the family of the donor.

  13. Many prayers will be offered up for her and your family. May God heal and bless her, and may He also give peace to the other family who unselfishly signed to donation consent.

    God bless all of you,
    Lee Ann
