Friday, November 30, 2012


At 2 am Teresa was intubated and started the apheresis process . At 3 am it was determined after viewing the donor heart that it was too damaged . The pheresis is now being stopped and Teresa will be gradually awaken . We are praying for the family who's child went to heaven tonight and for Teresa to have no complications from these procedures .


  1. Oh guys - prayers that there are no complications - for the donor family - for this lovely child - for all of that and more - and for the "let down" of a false alarm.

    I know it's hard to "trust" - but sometimes that's all we can do...

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. I am so sorry Ann . . Praying!


  3. I am certain God has the "perfect" heart planned for Teresa and ths one just was not it. Hang in there sweet little girl. Continued Prayers for you.

  4. Praying and praying...God's protection is over you all.

  5. Praying that Teresa is able to wake with no issues. Praying for your hearts as you walk through this!!!

  6. PRAYING! I am sure this was answered prayer but not the way we all had hoped. God is so good and He is protecting your sweet little girl.

  7. Came by hoping to read a different blog post from you this morning. I'm so sorry to hear this - for Teresa and for the family of the little one whose heart that was.

  8. Truly sad to see this. Will keep praying for Theresa and for the donor family too

  9. Oh Ann, I am just so sorry! I will keep praying!

  10. I was so sad to see the word "Cancelled" and I only 'know Teresa' and your family via this blog. I can't even imagine the 'disappointment' you must have felt when given the word. Will pray that Teresa safely awakes and knows that God wanted an 'Extra Special Heart' for 'His' little girl, so that she will be able to do 'anything' she wants after the transplant. Will continue to say prayers for you, as well as the donor families. Pam M. -Chicago

  11. I'm so very sorry, Ann. It must be so hard to trust and have faith when you come so close and then it's taken away. God, please bless Teresa and her family and give them healing and patience and comfort. You are all in our prayers.

  12. Praying for your precious Teresa today, that God will keep close as she continues to wait, for your family, and for the donor family in their heartbreaking loss as well.

  13. Be encouraged Ann; we have added 20 people to our Facebook prayer army in the last day or so. More prayers will be offered up on Teresa's behalf. A total of 351.

  14. Thank you for the update. Have been praying for precious Teresa for over a year now. I am so sorry to hear that the transplant has been cancelled. I believe there is the perfect heart out there for Teresa. Will continue to pray for her and the rest of the family for comfort and strength for all of you. Will also pray for the family that lost there child last night.

  15. Lifting you all in prayer, as well as the family that lost their sweet little one!

  16. How frustrating. But a blessing that Teresa was not given a heart that could not sustain her. Prayer for her to recover without any ill effects.

  17. Been pryaing and thinking about your sweet family all day. Hope Teresa is doing well.

  18. Here in Minnesota our prayers and hopes are with you. You don't know all the people who are behind you, but I hope you feel our strength and love.

  19. Dear Ann,

    I am sorry this happened but have faith that she will get her heart soon. We will keep praying. We will pray for Teresa to be fine when she awakens, and for peace and health for you and the rest of your family.
    God bless,
    Lee Ann

  20. Continued prayers for the perfect heart for Teresa. We know God Almighty has His hand on every detail. Love and hugs, Angie J.; Salem, Oregon

  21. Praying with you in Oregon... Love to Teresa and all your girlies. Stand firm.

    Lynne and Amelia MeiYun, our greatest blessing

  22. Praying often for Teresa. I have a little girl (my only) just 5 weeks younger. Evelyn loves to see pictures of Teresa, her sisters, Maizy, etc. Ann, I'll keep praying for Teresa, and I'm also praying for your heart right now. As a mom, I imagine yesterday and today were so challenging for you. Challenging seems like a small word here. I'm at a loss for something more fitting. It is so clear that you love both Teresa and Jesus abundantly. Good job being such a beautiful mom, and thank you for sharing so authentically about your journey. Sending love from Oregon.

  23. Alex--thank you for the updates. It's an honor to be able to pray for each step that Teresa and the rest of your family is taking regarding her heart.



    Okay, a little closer each time; next time's the charm, right?


    (And my thoughts go out to the family from whom the heart came.. I'm sure theirs were "attached" as well.)

    I'll say it again: Eil na rafa na la.

  25. Hi Ann,
    I've been following along with your precious family, praying with you through all of your ups and downs. We've been there in our family with many illnesses.
    You know this, our God has your sweet daughter, His sweet daughter, in His hands. May Jesus comfort your family as you wait on the perfect heart and healing for Teresa.
    It has been an honor and a privilege to watch as you share through your pictures and posts, to see the mighty love in your family and of your trust in our Creator.
    Thank you for entrusting us in the life of your Treasures.:) You all are a blessing in our lives.

    God Bless you,
