Monday, November 5, 2012

Believe In Miracles

"Believe In Miracles",  is a non- profit organization  collecting donations for Teresa's medical expenses. Contributions can be made payable to Believe In Miracles , P.O. Box 21199 , Catonsville MD. 21228.      All donations are tax deductible.   

Fundraising , non -profits and donations for Teresa' medical expenses  are something that have been a very humbling experience .  When we started this journey we thought we would be able to do it all ourselves  but God quickly showed us that it would take much more than Ed or I could ever handle on our own .  If you feel  you are able to make a donation in any way we are eternally grateful and humbled by your generosity .  But please know that  what we need more than financial help with Teresa's medical expenses  are prayers.  Prayers will always mean more than money .  We have been truly moved and humbled by the love and generosity of so many in our wonderful community . All support is welcome as Teresa's journey to a new heart continues  and our  "Happily Ever After " awaits us  .

We had some very happy Trick or Treaters at our house last   week .  Dress up is a daily occurrence for Teresa so picking a costume for Halloween was simple ... a Princess.  Her decision changed many times . She started out on Halloween as a Southern Belle but decided the skirt was too fluffy so she changed into Belle and then settled on  Rapunzel with her blonde hair.

Our visit to CHOP  last  week was filled with more bad news .  Teresa is still retaining a lot of fluid and her liver increased 3cm in one week .  She is starting 2 more heart meds. that will hopefully help but the Doctor said she needs a new heart and soon .   The transplant team also wanted us to be aware that it may become necessary very soon for Teresa to become an inpatient as she waits for her new heart .   I am not sure how we are going to swing this , but we will cross that bridge when it comes .  God will provide a way !  This is HIS miracle in process and HE will orchestrate every move.

Emilia is counting down the days to have her Fixator removed in 2 weeks.  She is so excited .  She will have the fixator removed and The Doctor will insert two rods for stability .  A few more months in just a cast and then she will have a brand new arm !

Gemma will have her blood transfusion this week . It will be very interesting to see what  her hemoglobin level is this month because she has really been dragging this past week . She is going 4 weeks between transfusions this month instead of every 3  weeks . When I looked at the picture of her and Teresa in the tub together , her little lips were so white compared to Teresa's purple lips .

Lucy is going in to have an MRI of her spine and brain next week .  She has been having a lot of headaches and pain in her back lately .  Because of her hemi vertebrae, butterfly vertebrae, cervical fusion , scoloiosis and abnormal anatamy , headaches and back pain are all something she has become accustomed to living with .  But lately they have really started to bother her.  (She is someone that  NEVER complains.)  So she will be having a few test done to make sure all is well in her little body .

November is proving to be a very busy month already . Praying for the strength to get through it and the peace to be able to enjoy Christmas together as a family .

Do you believe in MIRACLES  ?  We do !


  1. Thinking of you all EVERY day. ((hugs)) I believe!

  2. Continuing to lift you all in prayer!!!!!!

  3. We are praying for you here in NM. Love you Teresa!

  4. Prayers unending here in TX for ALL provision for your precious family...


    The Chapman Family

  5. Really wonderful stuff - finding life and love in the midst - really awesome guys! As always - holding you in our hearts and prayers!

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. Praying here. I go to Chop a lot with our son when I walk the hallway from the woods center to the main hospital and look at the pictures on the wall- their success stories. I pray that someday Teresa will be up there as a heart transplant success with her cute little picture bigger then life hanging there!

  7. Somehow I missed this post! The t-shirt looks
    awesome! So glad
    you could use it!

  8. hello!
    I have been a sporadic visitor, I somehow stumbled upon your blog when I was researching CHD. I am a nurse in a cardiac intensive care unit and I have checked up on Teresa's progress every so often. Today I saw that awesome shirt Teresa is wearing and wanted to ask where you had it made. We are currently in the process of designing new shirts for the nurses in our unit and we had liked the scrambled words but I hadn't seen it in a heart shape before. I would love to know where you got it!
    I will keep checking in every so often. I do hope Teresa is able to get her new heart soon!
