Monday, September 24, 2012

What a week!

This past week was enough  to add more gray hairs to my head ( or as Mary   has said " Mom, your hair is REALLY gray. ")

We found out today that Emilia needs emergency surgery tomorrow morning .  She was  battling a pin site infection for the past 2 weeks and it is not responding to the 2 antibiotics . Her Docotor said the infection is spreading and the pin needs to be removed and replaced immediatley .  Hopefully when he does the surgery tomorrow he will be able to clean out all of  the infection .
We would really be grateful for some prayers for Emilia tomorrow .

This past week we also received some really   sad news about Mayzie .  As if  all this was not enough CHOP called 4 times in one week .  When I  see CHOP on the caller ID , well  my heart just about stops .

I promise to fill in the details as soon as I can catch my breath and get through tomorrow .


  1. Ann, you've more than earned your "grey badge of courage" several times over, will definitely be keeping you & the brood in my prayers during services this week. Hang in there!

  2. Ann - prayers offered for all you guys - so wish we were closer so we could help out IRL!

    hugs - we'll be thinking of y'all a lot today.

    aus and co.

  3. Thinking of you. Hoping the surgery goes well.

  4. Praying for Emilia and the rest of you that the surgery will go well and that God will give you strength to get through the day. May God richly bless you today and always.

  5. We are keeping you all in our prayers and hoping for good news for you and your beautiful family.
