Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Emilia Post Op

Emilia's surgery was scheduled to start at 9 but she was bumped to 3. She was so hungry having to wait an additional 6 hours. Dr. Standard felt bad so he sent her down to make a Build A Bear ( there is a store in the lobby of the Hospital). He is such a fantastic Doctor. People come from all over the world to see him . It is phenomenal what he can do . His imagination ...
Emilia's surgery went very well . The hardest part is trying to get her pain under control. She knew that Mayzie was coming today so that really gave her something to stay focused on . She also had a visit today from a few of the Baltimore Orioles. She did not have a clue who they were but she loved showing them her dog . Mayzie was so good . Her presence gave Emilia so much happiness and she helped her as she had a blood draw and a splint made for her hand. Then the two of them took a nap. So far everything is looking good for her arm . She will come back in 2-4 weeks and have the next procedure to lengthen her arm .


  1. How wonderful that she had such fun visitors! Hope she continues to do well!

  2. God's Blessing to your dear little girl- OUCH!

    Mayzie is just precious! So glad she could be there for Emilia!

    Saying prayers for her!

  3. I am so glad to hear that the surgery went so well and that Mayzie is bringing so much comfort to Emilia. Will continue to pray for Emilia and the rest of your family. God is good!!

  4. Ann,
    So SO glad Mayzie is with her! What a sweet picture, a girl and her doggie. Praying for a fast and pain free (as much as is possible) recovery. She is an amazing girl- but apparently that is true of all of your girls (and boys, too, I am sure!)

  5. So glad to hear things went well! Continued prayers for your family!!!
