Monday, February 13, 2012


Today we received two wonderful gifts.

A friend who lives in California made two beautiful quilts for Gemma and Teresa. Teresa's quilt has many hearts since she is in many peoples hearts. It is also filled with symbolism such as bamboo for long life and her fortune cookie. She also has religious fabric and lots of LOVES.

Miss Gemma "Loves" quilt has a lot of LOVES in it and many different animals.

The girls are snuggled up one the couch with their new quilts having fun looking at all the different fabrics.
Thank you Pattie ! This was such a heart felt gift that was made with love!

The second gift we received today was from The China Care/Half The Sky Home . It is a CD of all the photos of Teresa from May 2007- July 2010, and all the News letters that Teresa was in . These gifts are priceless to us . The photos show Teresa from 5 months old until the day we came to China to adopt her. My favorite photo is of her sitting by the door in her pink dress waiting for us to arrive. She was so excited. Some of the photos show how sick she was when she first arrived in Beijing. In almost all of the photos she is smiling . Her magical personality was always shining .
Teresa looked at all 200 photos with me. Her memory amazes me. She could remember everyone and everything that was happening . Her favorite ones are of her and Min Min ( they are outside playing and put flowers behind their ears). She also loves the ones with her Care giver in the China Care Home .

These two "Gifts" brought us so much happiness today .


  1. Our youngest (and our heart baby) was 21 months old at adoption. her SWI included some pictures that predated the camera we had sent. What a joy to see some baby pictures! How wonderful that Teresa can express herself well enough to tell you all about her past there. And what a sweet, sweet baby she was! You are right! Her sweet spirit in visible in all of the pictures. She is quite a little girl! As are all of yours! Praying for all of them!

  2. How marvelous to get all of the pictures of her when she was little and the quilts are beautiful. Praying for her miracle to happen!

  3. The quilts are beautiful! How wonderful that Teresa has such a terrific memory of her time in China.

  4. She had that 'Teresa Spark' in all those photos. What a wonderful gift!

  5. What a bunch of blessings - wow -

    hugs and prayers - aus and co.

  6. HI Ann,

    Thank you for sharing the pictures and your lives with us. We pray for all of you daily. Miracles are happening everyday, some in your family :):)

    God bless,
    Lee Ann
