Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gemma Love

Gemma has changed her name from Gemma Bartlinski to Gemma Love.

Last week she came home from school with all of her papers signed Gemma Love. When I asked her why the name change , she said " because I Love ,Love. " . Gemma can be the QUEEN of drama but one thing is for sure , she is a LOVE bug. She gives the biggest hugs and kisses . She loves deeply and is quick to give hugs to even new friends. Her little sly smile turns into a belly laugh that captures everyones attention . This name suits her perfectly .


  1. you just never know what our sweet kiddos are gonna say. What a precious blessing!!

  2. You got to "love" that!!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. She is so precious! Let me know the next time to go to Hershey, I would love to meet you there. Blessings
