Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday The 13th.

Friday the 13th. turned out to hold good news for Teresa.

I am a little reluctant to post this because I am feeling a bit confused .
Last month while Teresa was in and out of the hospital being treated for further heart failure, fluid retention, low oxygen saturation and low energy , she was seen by 2 different Doctors who were covering for Dr. H while he was on vacation . They were very concerned with the direction that Teresa was headed. They thought that this could possibly be Teresa's new level of normal for her and were not very optimistic.

Today Dr. H was back from vacation and reviewed all of Teresa's reports and tests from last month and tests done today . He was pleasantly optimistic. (His words ). As he explained it to me , her lungs were "wet" because the new meds. were doing their job . Her heart was pumping more blood to her lungs and dilating them more. Today also revealed that her heart function had actually improved from last month and her severe tricuspid regurgitation was almost completely gone . At this point I was sitting there feeling VERY confused and made sure that Alex was paying attention so he could relay all this information to Ed too.

Dr. H feels Teresa is ready for the next step . That is one of three things.
1. Lower her meds. and do nothing ( she can not stay on this high of a dose because it is causing her heart to pump too much blood to her lungs)
2. try to repair her heart.
3. a heart transplant.

The next step is to re cath. her on Wed. and see exactly what her numbers are in her lungs and heart and see how much the meds. have helped. This will give him a better idea on how to proceed.

I am going to wait until wed. when we have further concrete results until I express any type of joy . The highs and lows are just too much and I want actual numbers and not, "well, we feel like this is happening ... " I need more than a feeling .

So for today , she is still on oxygen all the time because her lungs are still wet and her o2 is very low, (she is retaining fluid caused by the meds.) so her lasix is being increased . We will return to CHOP on Wed. morning , have the heart cath. , stay one night and come home on Thursday , hopefully with very concrete fantastic news . Then we will celebrate with great joy . Until then I am remaining cautiously optimistic.


  1. Cautiously optimistic is a happier place than I thought you'd be today. We continue to keep Teresa and you and your family in our prayers. Oh, how I hope your next post is one of joy.

  2. Praying that everything will be as it should be,,,,,

  3. I am cautiously optimistic that this is the start of Teresa's miracle!

  4. And so, we will continue to pray, pray, pray.

  5. Wow. I held my breathe through that entire post. I am cautiously shouting for joy with you and really want to end this sentence with an exclamation point, but a period seems more appropriate. I will continue to pray for a precious, heaven sent miracle for this sweet girl.

  6. And we will continue to pray...

  7. Oh Anne, I will keep praying!!!!

  8. Only by the hands of God.

    Still praying!


  9. Hoping and praying ....

  10. Praying for good news Wednesday. Many blessings.

  11. Able to exhale since the last post!
    As always you and your family are in our prayers and we continue to lift the needs up with great expectation of healing and blessing.
    The Carrs

  12. We will keep praying! Hang in there!!

  13. I will NOT let go of hope! Thinking of you all the time!

    Anna in Sweden

  14. Saying prayers for your sweet girl!
    She captured my heart awhile ago and I have not been able to get her of my mind!

    Blessings to her and your wonderful family!

  15. Any thoughts with the word "optimistic" in them are cause for me to feel great joy - and maybe even a hint of, lest I say it, a miracle!

    Prayers - standing by for more later this week!

    hugs - aus and co.

  16. Hoping and praying for some good news on Wed. We all have faith in miracles. Come on Wed with food news come on! Wishing really hard for more optimistic news.
