Monday, December 12, 2011

"Shining Spirit"

Mary received wonderful news today . Her bone graft surgery for her cleft palate and nose repair has healed wonderfully . She still has a little bit of swelling but that should go down over the next few months. There was a very small chance the bone graft would not take so we are so glad that all went well!

Over the past 3 days four people have commented to me on Teresa's "Shining Spirit". All at different times and different places. Her magical personality is something that at times we tend to forget . We are very blessed to have her in our lives. Especially when every day could be her last one with us .

Saturday we attended the Casey Cares Christmas Party . A photographer was there to capture photos of the children . Teresa LOVED posing by herself for photos. She would flick her hair and then turn and pose, turn and put her arm out and pose, turn and strike another pose . She drew quite a crowd , all amazed at her "shining personality".

Then today at Hopkins , Mary's Doctor and nurse commented on her personality , how full of life she seemed. And yet again I was reminded of how special she is . She has such a strong love of life and a very determined personality . She knows what she wants and doesn't stop for anything. She thinks she can do ANYTHING and doesn't understand when something does not go her way . She has very little fear and loves to explore and learn new things. She only stops to rest when she has played so hard ( wanting to get every second of enjoyment out of everything)) that she is out of breath and looks at me like, why can't I keep going , what is wrong with my body , why can't it keep up with my mind ?

This shining spirit by the end of the day has completely worn me out. Trying to keep up with her questions and determination have left me ready for bed way before she has even considered stopping to go to bed ... She still has so much more to do and see and love. But when she finally does surrender to sleep , she is like a little angel COMPLETELY worn out .

I know with out this shining spirit and strong determination , she would not have made it almost 5 years with half a heart . I know this along with Gods Will have kept her with us .


  1. Morning Ann - you know well that child's spirit - it's as real as you and I - and it just calls to us all! Yeah - she is a rare and precious gift!!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. What a beautiful post, Ann! And what beautiful children you have. I love the photo of Teresa posing. Her personality comes through so well in your words and photos.

  3. I still remember those bright, inquisitive, happy eyes looking at me (over an ice cream cone, I think?) at the back entrance to the White Swan back in 2010. It was only a few seconds, but even then it was obvious Teresa was a very special young lady. I'm hoping G-d allows that bright light to remain among us for a long, long time to come...!
