Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family !!

All of our kids came home for the Holiday . Paul and his fiance Meg, came home from Georgia and Alex and his girlfriend Taylor , came home also . Eddy unfortunately had to work (he is a police officer ) but he and Laura came over Friday to help cut down our Christmas tree , decorate outside and have Dinner. There is nothing better than having all of your children home at the same time ! All 12 of them !!!!!

Unfortunately our Thanksgiving did not start out great. Grace was hit in the eye by a BB gun on Wed. evening. We spent the night in the pediatricians office and then the Hopkins ER. We had to return on Thanksgiving to have her eye re checked. Poor Ed had to do most of the cooking and cleaning .

Her eye has a scratched cornea ,Retinal hemorrhage, bruising and tear on the retina. She has to return to Hopkins every other day to make sure the tear is not worsening. If it starts to separate more , she will require surgery .

Then Lucy started with a stomach virus. Every time one of the girls gets a virus , life becomes a little more stressful. It's a waiting game to see if Teresa will get it .

So far Teresa is doing very well on her new meds. .
She is getting ready to celebrate her fifth Birthday and is so excited about having a Party all for her ! I think she has decided on a "Princess" theme.

Enjoying every minute of life...


  1. Sorry to hear about what happened to Grace...that does not sound pleasant at all :-(

  2. How awful to hear about Grace's eye. I hope it heals quickly--and that Teresa stays healthy. How wonderful to have all your children home at the same time!

  3. Well - being a cop I can relate to the number of missed Holidays - on the up side - tough it out for a while, accrue some leave - and you can end up like me - with a week off around the Holidays!! ;)

    Sorry to hear about the eye - safety glasses are required around stuff like that - please? Pretty please?

    Glad it was a good Holiday for y'all!!

    hugs - aus and co.
