Monday, July 25, 2011

Min Min has HER Family !!!!

Exactly one year ago when we adopted Teresa we met her best friend, Min Min in The China Care Home . Now Min Min has HER very own family too !!!

She will be home in a few more days .
Last year Min was so excited for Teresa when she heard she would have three brothers . She kept holding her fingers up counting 3 and laughing . Now she will have 4 brothers of her own . We are so happy for this wonderful family and for Min Min .

Saying good bye last year was so sad because Min kept asking us to take her home too. She watched expressionless as we waved good bye . Now she will never be alone again.

Please keep her family in your prayers , Min has a complex heart condition also .

When I told Teresa Min Min was coming home to her own family she was so happy !

"Really ? Really ? She has a family like me?"
" I so happy for Min Min "
" Now she never be sad again "


  1. Ann - why am I not surprised that your daughter would say something like that?

    Great joy for you guys - and Min min too!

    hugs - aus and co.

  2. Hi Ann,

    I am so happy for Min and her family. I just went over to her blog to read the good news:) I am also so happy that Teresa knows and hopefully the best friends can get together soon again.

    Praying for you all,

  3. The first time I read this a few hours ago, I just thought how Teresa it was to be so sweet and wise. And it is! But I am rejoicing about what her statement means for Teresa as well! She has a family, and she knows that she,Teresa, can handle anything alongside her family. You have given her the gift of being free of worries! Thanknyou for sharing her with us!
