Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Wish Come True

Thanks to a wonderful organization - The Make A Wish Foundation- , Teresa's wish is coming true.

She wished to be a princess and to meet Belle.
Because of her declining health, her wish has been expedited and she will be going to Disney World at the end of June .
We are so grateful to The Make a Wish org. because with out them we would have never been able to take her to Disney World.

Trips to Disney use to be a family vacation we would go on with our sons when they were young. Since adopting the girls it has become a treasured vacation of the past , something we can no longer afford to do .

We even debated whether or not to go on this trip now but after meeting with The Make A Wish org. , they will cover every part of Teresa's wish . How unbelievable is that .
This will be our first Family vacation with all of our children in over three years. Having all of our children together to celebrate Teresa's Wish was very important.

She will have a "Princess" makeover and a meet and greet with Belle. We have a special lunch planned (for Mom and Teresa) in Cinderellas Castle and we are waiting to see if she can meet the cast of Beauty and The Beast at Disney's Hollywood Studios. She really wants to meet The Beast, Belle and Chip . And look out Gaston , she is going to tell him to leave Belle alone and not to hurt the Beast !

We are a little apprehensive about the heat in Florida and how it will affect Teresa's breathing . So we are going to be very careful and try to keep her in the A/C as much as possible or even the pool . WE are taking her oxygen with us also.

We are praying Teresa will have a wonderful time without any medical emergencies.
We are also praying for Ed's Office to be able sustain the business while he is gone ( this is a huge worry ). The only time he has been off in the last 3 years has been to go to China .

We are going to CHOP on Friday to see if the increase in Teresa's meds. has had any affect on her heart function . We are praying for good news. She is still having episodes where she has great difficulty breathing and becomes very tired .

She can not wait to go to Florida. Every time a plane flies over she looks up and says, " Look they are going to see the princesses , ME TOO!"
She is soooo excited to pack her own suitcase .
All of the girls can not wait!!!!


  1. Oh wow! I am so happy for you! We will now all start praying for good weather for Teresa! The Ariel show is air conditioned if Ursula won't sacre her too much! This is nothing less than this sweet girl deserves! And her whole family, too!!!! Praying for Ed's office, too!

  2. What happy news for you all. And what precious memories you will all get to make together! I will pray that every moment goes smoothly, that the weather is mild and temperate, and that your hubby's business THRIVES in spite of his absence. God's blessings to you all.

  3. I am so happy you all get to go! What a special time for Teresa. She will be the prettiest princess there! I will be praying for good health for Teresa and cooler than normal temps in Florida while you all are there.

  4. Morning Ann - so happy for you guys - we so treaure time with our whole family as well - and like you - except for trips to China there hasn't been a vacation in 10 years - but we share your concerns too....but somehow I have a feeling that God will provide!

    Prayers for good words at CHOP!

    hugs - aus and co.

  5. I am so glad you are going. We went with MAW last year and it was amazing. My kids actually spent more time at Give Kids the World. It was relaxing and FUN and no crowds!! They liked it better than Disney. I think Teresa would do very well there--you can always duck inside in the AC. And the pool...oh my is awesome!! I will be praying that Teresa has a wonderful week and that the heat doesn't affect her.

  6. What a wonderful gift for Teresa and her family!

  7. Praying for you, and I am so happy Theresas dream is coming TRUE!

  8. I'm beyond thrilled for Teresa and your family.

  9. So very happy for sweet Teresa. Disney World really is the happiest place on Earth. I hope you create tons of beautiful memories to enjoy for years to come!

  10. Teresa is already a true princess in so many ways!

    Many prayers for a wonderful time in Florida.

  11. Hi Ann,

    I am so happy Teresa will get to meet her favorite princesses. Make A Wish is Awesome !!! That is terrific news all of you get to go on this trip:)
    I will pray that everything works out to make this the best trip ever. We live in FL., go to Disney a lot (actually will be in Orlando on Father's Day weekend), and my best advice is plenty of water and lots of sunscreen, even for our more tan children:) It reflects the heat away. Also, a hat or visor is a must. I don't go anywhere outside without one.
    I can't wait to see her princess makeover. The children are always so beautiful afterwards, not that they weren't before too.
    Praying for all of you,
    Lee Ann

  12. That is WONDERFUL and i will pray that things are smooth! Take lots of photos and embrace it all! Hugs to you and yours as your journey continues with your dear sweet ones!

  13. Oh how exciting for you ALL! We are all so thrilled that Teresa will get to meet BELLE! Yay! We continue to pray everyday for your sweet 'princess'...she is such a treasure and has a special place in all of our hearts!
    Praying your time in Disney will be WONDERFULLY SWEET!
    Laine & gang

  14. What a wonderful thing for all your princesses, especially sweet Teresa! Will you stay at Give Kids the World? Apparently it is totally amazing! Can't wait to see the pictures!

  15. How wonderful! What a great organization! Brings tears to my eyes for her and the whole family. May her every wish come true. And of course, we will all be here to watch the blog! :)

  16. I am so happy to hear the team understood how important it was to let you all go together! That is exactly what Teresa needs! So happy for you all!

  17. What a magical time the trip will be for your family!!! Can't wait to see the photos!!!! Our prayers are with you!!!!

  18. Praying for Florida to have the best weather in 50 years. Praying too for the plane ride and that the airlines handle the oxygen situation with no troubles. And for Ed's office...and everything.
