Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Princess Day

Today we went to the Magic Kingdom for Teresa's Princess meet and greet. She made it from 9am to 9 pm and enjoyed every minute of the day . I wasn't quite sure how she was going to do with all of the excitement and heat but she did fantastic! She truly enjoyed every thing . Watching the excitement on her face was priceless. She told the princesses all about her Aurora doll wearing her oxygen and how she wears oxygen too . Princess Aurora spent a lot of time talking with her about how SHE needs oxygen also. Teresa just smiled ear to ear. (she even asked to wear her oxygen when she felt like she needed it. A first ). Aurora gave her a kiss on the cheek and then transferred it to paper and autographed it for her.
We spent most of the day at MK and then went over to Epcot to watch The Summer concert series. This week it is a tribute to The Bee Gees . The girls LOVED it (me too!) . They were singing and dancing to all of the songs. ( Gemma was so funny she was doing ballet steps).

Today we all had on our matching adopt t- shirts. Alex thought we looked like a reality T.V. show on TLC. We had so many people (35) stop and ask us about international adoption . I was so surprised by the number of people that want to adopt but don't know where to begin. I gave them the information on our adoption agencies that we have used and hopefully they will follow through and there will be 35 less orphans soon.

We are all having such a fantastic time watching Teresa experience her wish of being a princess. She is so happy , I don't think she knows quite what it all is about. She is taking it all in .
Tomorrow we will head over to Hollywood studios and meet the cast of Beauty and the Beast.


  1. Something tells me Aurora won't forget this day either. No one who meets your princess can ever forget her.

  2. WOW - I can feel the magic from here - and I'll second Teresa's comments - no one involved will forget today!

    hugs - aus and co.

  3. Hi Ann,

    Love the pictures !!! Teresa does look like a princess !!!! I am so happy that she and all of you are having a great time :) I know that pool area well. Enjoy everything at that resort and the parks !

    Praying for all of you to continue to have a blessed and happy trip,

    Lee Ann

  4. I am in tears cause I am soooo happy that Teresa is feeling good and enjoying herself. I am glad that everyone is having a good time. God is good and faithful and is answering prayers for this trip.

  5. What a magical day! Thank you for letting us tag along on your blog.

  6. Where, oh where, did you find your AWESOME shirts?!?! I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Chrissie's mom. (Chrissie was from Serbia, and went to live with Jesus on May 19, 2010, after open-heart surgery.) I'm praying for Teresa and continue to follow your story. She's made it longer than Chrissie, and I'm so grateful. I believe in miracles, too, and I've seen them happen, just not with the ending that I'd hoped for. Teresa is a miracle. You're living a miracle.

    Oh, and we, too, were blessed with a week at GKTW. Awesome memories. (in memory of Chrissie)

  7. I am SO THANKFUL you all were able to take this amazing trip!!! And to read of all the volunteers ... just priceless!!!
