Monday, June 20, 2011


Teresa is having a great time .
Our flight was delayed leaving Baltimore and we did not arrive into Florida until after midnight. Teresa did very well on the flight for the first hour and then her oxygen started dropping dangerously low into the low 60's. Luckily the oxygen brought it back up into the 70's and she was feeling a lot better.
Yesterday we let her rest and kept her in the A/C. Today we spent time at the pool and she loved it. Tomorrow is a PRINCESS day and she is so excited . We are headed to The Magic Kingdom for some princess time.
I will try to post photos tomorrow , my computer has been acting funny.
Thank you everyone for continuing to pray . Lucy is feeling much better and Teresa is not showing any signs of getting the virus Lucy had .
Keeping our fingers crossed !!!


  1. Our prayers continue to go to you, Teresa, and your entire family. May God bless this time and we see the miracle we all are believing for!

    Have a great time!

  2. Praying for health and lots of fun!!

    Love and blessings,

  3. HI Ann,

    Praying for all of you to have a wonderful trip :) I can't wait to see the princess transformation pictures !

    God Bless and keep you all safe,

    Lee Ann

  4. Have a wonderful time! Praying that this is a very special and memorable time for Teresa and her family--and that everyone stays well!

  5. Continuing to pray for all of you. I'm happy to hear Lucy is feeling better and Teresa has not caught it. Blessings to you all!

  6. Praying for a wonderful Princess Day tomorrow!! So glad no else got sick.

  7. Yay!! I'm so happy that you made it safely!! I can't wait to see Teresa among the princesses!!! Love to all of you!!!

    Amy D.

  8. I continue to pray about that weather (and everything else)!
