Thursday, June 9, 2011


The anticipation is growing !

The girls are so excited . Teresa has packed and unpacked her princess suitcase 100 times . She has it filled with all of her treasures.

We leave in little over one week . Gemma will go tomorrow for her blood transfusion ,oxygen has been ordered for Florida, portable oxygen concentrator has been ordered for the plane,all Teresa's, Gemma's and Lucy's medicines will be delivered tomorrow and all Teresa's Doctors have been notified along with which Hospital to contact in Florida should we have an emergency . I think we are good to go !

On a much sadder note , we received very sad news this week from China. Josiah ( the little boy we found starving to death in a BJ. orphanage in November 2009 and had moved to Lynsay and Bill's orphanage-Morning Star Foster home-), was sent back to his orphanage this week . The local family trying to adopt him was not permitted to . His file will supposedly now be prepared for international adoption . This could take months. Although this orphanage is one of the nicest orphanages we have seen , it is still the same orphanage that was letting him starve to death . It is not a family with a Mom and Dad. It is very sterile . I have to trust that God has a plan for Josiah's life that will some day involve a family of his own . Until then we must pray for him not to lose hope and to keep his health strong. At this same orphanage is another child we met in November 2009 also who still waits for her family to find her . I am not sure why she is still waiting... she is beautiful , kind and very soft spoken . Her medical condition is arthrogyposis. If you would like any more information on Josiah or Jia Yi please let me know .


  1. We'll keep those little ones in our prayers. How exciting to be getting ready for your trip!

  2. Ann, I pray that your trip will be so wonderful for sweet Teresa!!! I would love more info on these precious children, esp little Jia Yi! I would so love to advocate for them! You can email me at

  3. Ann - looking forward to your trip - prayers that it goes smoothly - and we'll add those two littles to our prayer list as well!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. Praying those 2 precious children find homes. Every child deserves the love of a family and oh what a difference it makes!
    Praying for a wonderful trip to Disney! Praying that temperatures will be much cooler than usual. Also praying that everyone stays healthy and has the most amazing time. Will lift you up in prayer.

  5. I can not wait to see pictures of Teresa with a princess!!! I can just see the smile that she will have on her face the whole time. I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly for you and your family.

  6. I know Lynsay had a tough time this week. Praying for Josiah's family to find him quickly and bring him home. Praying for your trip--that all will go well, no medical emergencies and a wonderful, trip.
