Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Make A Wish

A few days ago we met with The make A Wish organization . I had been putting it off because it seemed like such a sad process to start but we decided we would make Teresa's wish into a happy event to celebrate her life . I want to celebrate Her birth parents for giving her life , the orphanage for finding her the medical care she needed ,The China Care organization for providing her with the best care possible and filling all of her days with love , ASIA (our adoption agency ) for helping us to bring Teresa home , everyone all over the world for praying for her to find a home, Teresa's prayer warriors for covering her in prayer all of the time , Our wonderful community and friends for supporting us and helping us with fund raisers, Our church for unconditional love and support, Father Whatley who gave us the spiritual guidance to follow Gods Will and our children who all have had to make tremendous sacrifices on this journey .

I am not sure where they will send Teresa for her celebration but I know it will be wonderful. She told them she would like to be a princess . This week her favorite princess is Belle. Believe it or not she also told them she LOVES Jennifer Lopez and American Idol . She LOVES watching her every week and continuously comments throughout the entire show on her finger nail polish , lipstick and hair . So funny !

My wish was for her to go to Rome for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II but that some how did not come out of her mouth . Oh well.

Today we also had great news at the cardiologist . Last month she was having a lot of trouble getting over a cold , her oxygen was very low and she had little energy . When we went to the cardiologist last month it was discovered that her tricuspid valve was severely leaking and causing her liver to be very enlarged also.
Now she is doing much better. Her liver has slightly decreased in size , her pulmonary pressure has decreased slightly and her pulmonary gradient has improved ! Her oxygen today was 83 !!!!
Thank You Jesus ! God is Good !

"The will of God will never take you , where the grace of God will not protect you "- Father Whatley .


  1. Still Praying for the Little Princess!! Hope all her wishes come true (: And maybe mama's also? ;)
    God Bless~
    -Kirstie Bikakis

  2. Great update with health will keep up the prayers. God is good and there's so much more for Teresa and all your children to experience and to be able to enjoy in good health. God continue to bless and keep you all.
    The Carr's

  3. That is just amazing news!!! He is so good! I will continue prayers for Teresa's heart and comfort for your mama heart!

    God Bless!

  4. This is an amazing update, but with everyone praying and fasting, maybe we should expect this more often. Everyone please continue the prayers and fasting. It was not too long ago when Teresa was not doing that well. People joined together in prayer and fasting, and she has been doing much better now.

    Only God knows what lies in the future, but I believe He has been listening to the prayer warriors.

    I hope her wish brings all of you much joy.

    God Bless,

    Lee Ann

  5. What a great update on Teresa! I can't wait to hear her wish. (Too bad she didn't ask to go to Rome!) ;)

  6. So happy to hear she is doing better. We pray for her every day. I'm so glad she is taking the Make A Wish trip. We went on one with our SaraGrace (to Disney) and she LOVED it. MAW is an amazing organization. I was in awe at how much they did to make the trip a very special memory. I know you will all love it!

  7. Great news on her checkup - taking what we can get! As for Make a Wish - great group - friends from adoption had a wish granted for their daughter too - it was also a princess - and they ended up on a Disney Princess cruise which was managable for their girl - it was a dream come true for her!

    Oh - and please tell Fr. Whatley that I intend to quote him too!

    hugs - prayers - aus and co.

  8. Fantastic!! Glad to hear improved health updates! Continuing to pray for all your girls' health: Gemma's blood, Emelia's leg, Teresa's heart/lungs...

    Can't wait to see what Make A Wish does for her!

  9. Amazing news! We will continue to pray for her. Your story has been a real encouragement and blessing to me. Thanks for sharing.
