Sunday, March 13, 2011

8 Months Home

Today was the 8 month mark of Teresa being HOME !!!!
Today she discovered worms and spring flowers . She loved the way the worm wiggled on her hand . "It tickles ,It Tickles "
She had a wonderful day . She was feeling great and loved playing outside discovering new things .


  1. Eight months home! Wow. You have such beautiful photos of her smiling face.

  2. OH! So happy she's getting to go outside and enjoy the weather! May the Lord work in the life of this precious girl in a mighty way!

  3. What a gift to be part of all these firsts with Theresa. God be praised.

  4. Her first Spring! Precious, May the Lord continue to move and heal Mightily

  5. CONGRATS Teresa on your 8 month anniversary !!!!!

    We are so happy you are feeling well and got to have roasted marshmallows and feel worms !!!!

    Praying for you,

    Lee Ann and family

  6. How sweet that she held a worm. :) Brave girl!! My girls pray for her every night--without any prompting.

  7. Goodness, I love that child! Still keeping her in prayer!

  8. Praying for your sweet Theresa.
