Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year !

This past week was so busy ! The girls had 6 Doctor's appointments in 5 days. I think that was a new record for us . Everyone is doing great although Teresa is still holding on to this cold that won't go away . She has had it for several weeks now and it is starting to make her oxygen level drop into the upper 60's almost everyday now. She's needed oxygen several times over the past week and has to take many breaks through out the day to catch her breath . She also looks to me like she is retaining fluid , her eyes and face are a little puffy . If this doesn't improve soon , we will be headed back to the Doctor.

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year with our local FCC group . The girls really enjoy this every year . This was the first time for Teresa and she loved the day . She liked everything except The Monkey King . She wore her Chinese "Princess Dress" as she called it .

Thank you for continuing to Pray for Teresa ! On Sunday Feb. 28th. We will have a day of fasting for Teresa . Thank you Bridget for this great idea . Please join us in this day of prayer for Teresa .


  1. Will put this on the calendar and join you. The girls look beautiful and our prayer will be for Teresa of course, but breakthroughs in healing and health for each of your precious daughters. God is able!! All of our best to you.
    The Carr Family

  2. What a wonderful idea to have a day of fasting for Teresa.

  3. You mean, Sunday the 27th? Great idea!
