Sunday, January 2, 2011


What a year. It was one of the hardest years for our family spiritually , emotionally and financially . Our faith was tested in so many ways. The year started us on a journey that at times I was not sure we could complete. When we took the leap of faith to adopt Teresa , I never new how deeply our lives would change. God has opened our hearts to so many things through Teresa . Things that you can only experience through a child that was once an orphan and who's health is so very fragile. Many things I can not put into words because they are so deeply personal between Teresa and myself , they are only felt within our souls.

When we adopted Teresa I had no idea that this was going to be a turning point in our lives that would open our eyes to our purpose here on earth .

Even though it has been the hardest year of our life, I would not change one moment of it.
God has woven us together as a family and through Teresa He has taught us how to love deeper.

Our journey through 2010 was difficult but priceless.
I pray God will continue to share Teresa with us for many more years, we still have so much to learn .


  1. That is my prayer for your family as well, Anne

  2. Seems to me that God is healing the hearts of many people through Teresa's heart.
