Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Not a Good Day

Gemma went to the infusion clinic yesterday to have her test run with a new medicine she is starting to lower her ferritin levels. Everything went well with the medicine and she luckily had no side effects so next week the nurse will come and train Ed and I . Around 10 am. while in the clinic she started running a very high fever and coughing . She looked like she was coming down with a virus. The Doctor thought it was a good idea to do blood work and blood cultures to make sure it was not bacterial . As the day went on she became sicker and sicker with a fever of 104. This morning we returned to the clinic for her blood transfusion but because she was so sick she could not have it . The Doctor said her body would destroy all of the good blood because of the infection and she would not hold onto the transfusion long enough which then would require another transfusion . Since we are trying not to over transfuse her he decided to wait until next week . So hopefully in a few days she will be over this nasty virus ( Human metapnuemo virus).
We are trying so hard to keep Teresa away from her so she will not get it but this virus is so contagious I don't know.
With being in the hospital 2 days this week and 2 days last week we really are seeing the need for some kind of help with the girls when I am gone . It has become so difficult trying to juggle 7 different schedules and then when one is sick or has surgery it really throws everything out of balance . We really need someone that is available on short notice for emergencies or when one of the girls has surgery .

Praying for God to send us the help and for Gemma to recover quickly and Teresa NOT to get this virus.


  1. We will be praying for Gemma and your family. Oh, how I wish I were home during the day to offer to help.

  2. Prayin, praying Ann!!!! Wish we were closer!

  3. Praying for your family, and especially Gemma and Theresa.

  4. Praying for you. Wish we lived by you because all my girls are in school now and I would help you.

  5. Prayers offered - wish we were close enough to help out!

    hugs - aus and co.

  6. O.k., that's what we are going to be praying for then.......

  7. HI Ann,

    I will pray for everyone's health and for your continued strength to manage everyone's needs. I wish I lived closer. I'm down here in FL.

    God Bess all of you,

    Lee Ann

  8. Praying for you all as I do daily. I too, wish I were closer. I would help you out in a heartbeat. Praying that the Lord sends a blessing to your home.
