Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cover Story

Last week Kathleen Cairns from Fox 45 News asked us if she could do a Christmas cover story on our family. It is our hope that someone out there might hear our story and open their heart to adoption ...

Take a look on the right side to view it .
Thank You Kathleen !


  1. Thank you for sharing your story with us, we will be lifting up our prayers to Jesus for a miracle in Teresa's and all your childrens' lives this Christmas. Thank you for helping us remember the true importance of Christmas - life!!!


  2. Just watched the news story....

    It was beautiful!

    Happy Birthday to precious Teresa!

    Been praying for her....will continue to do so!

    Merry Christmas to all of you!


  3. What a beautiful story! Fox did a great job of telling it. Happy Birthday, sweet Teresa!! Praying you get your new heart.

  4. They covered your story beautifully. Many blessings for your family and your Christmas miracle.

  5. Beautiful! What a wonderful piece. Merry Christmas, Bartlinskis!

  6. It was so special to watch your story. Blessings for your family this Christmas and prayers that miracles happen in 2011. God bless, the Logue Family.
