Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mary's Letter To Santa

Mary mailed her letter today to Santa.

At The very bottom of her letter...

P.S. " Please ask Jesus to give Teresa a new heart "


  1. Oh my goodness Ann! There are no words! What a beautiful soul!

  2. What a sweet letter to Santa. I will be praying to Jesus as well. Thinking and praying for you all.

  3. Great couple posts here - the ICE festival looks like a great time - kind of our "Festival of Lights" thing!

    And Ann - if ever I would meet Mary IRL - I hope you don't mind if I just hold and hug that tender and old soul - what a lovely and caring Mei mei - it leaves me speechless!

    hugs - aus and co.

  4. Thanks for sharing, there are many praying that same prayer for your sweet Teresa

  5. So sweet. I'm sure Santa will make sure Jesus gets Mary's request.

  6. Oh, how precious!!! Yes, please, Jesus, give Teresa a new heart! (or better yet, miraculously heal the one she already has!)

  7. That just shows what a kind spirit Mary has. She must have a great mom and dad :)

    We are also asking Jesus for Teresa's new heart, and for Gemma's healing too !

    God Bless,

