Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gemma's Transfusion

This is how Gemma feels before she needs a blood transfusion. She usually receives her transfusion every 3 weeks but her Doctor's want to see if her body can start to handle every 4 weeks . With every transfusion comes a build up of excess iron that is stored by the body in the liver . She has been taking chelation medicine for 8 months to remove the iron but so far it is not working too well. Normal ferritin levels are 10-300, hers are over 3,000. Hopefully her numbers will all be good when she goes in on Wed. for her next transfusion.


  1. Bless her. I hope she is feeling better soon.

  2. Ohh...God love her. Praying that God will heal your precious baby Gemma. I can't imagine how she must be feeling. :(

    Love and blessings,

  3. You can see it all over her face and body language. Poor thing.

    Praying for her healing.


  4. Oh just Bless her heart - whenever I see that kind of expression I just want to scoop them up and snuggle them til it's all better!

    hugs - prayers for good test results -

    aus and co.
