Sunday, September 26, 2010

red thread stitches

Thank you Robin for these beautiful outfits for the girls !!
Please go check out Robins site if you would like to order these skirts.
She hand sews all of these amazing creations as a fundraiser to help bring her beautiful daughter home from China.

Grace ,Mary , Lucy , Emilia, Gemma and Teresa say "THANK YOU"


  1. What an adorable group of girls you have!! Each one is ablsolutly beautiful individually, and all together brings an instant smile : )
    God bless and keep you all.
    Lynda and the whole Carr Family

  2. So cute!!!! Teresa looks really good! Has she gained weight??

  3. Hi, I am a blog buddie of Robin's and got your blog address from her. Your new daughter is so lovely and we know the family from The Sheperd's Crook. We live about 10 minutes from them! LOL!! They are a great family and ministry. Praying for your sweet girl.

  4. Really very pretty! I'll have to check it out!

  5. Love Robin, she inspires me! Have you seen the A-line jumper she has available? I just ordered one for Little T!!

    Teresa is looking great! I think of this little one everyday.


  6. If this didn't make my day...nothing will. :)
    Thank you for taking time to dress your beautiful girls and post these great photos! I struggle to do this with two little ones...what a line of blessings you have!

    Love and blessings,

  7. I am just in awe of your girls and your family. Teresa Caroline looks so happy to have her family and she is adorable in those ponytails!
