Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yesterday's flight from Tiayuan to Guangzhou went very well. Teresa oxygen level dropped to 72 . She seemed to do OK with her breathing. She started to cough a little bit more and her breathing became a little more labored but still OK. Thank you everyone for all of the prayers!

Today we went to the Exit physical. All children entering the US are now required to have ALL of their vaccinations and a TB test before being allowed to enter the US. We luckily met our favorite Doctor there( he is the same Doctor to do all 5 of the girls physicals and he was so happy to see us again . He is now retired and was at the clinic only by chance today filling in for someone). He signed a waiver for Liu Fang not to get all the vaccinations that she is missing because it would be too much for her little body with her heart so sick.

Guangzhou is getting ready for the ASIAN Games being held here in November. For the past year the city has been under construction trying to refurbish the buildings. In December there was construction everywhere . Now it is almost done. The city looks so different. The landscape looks very pretty and the buildings now are painted in pastel colors.

Teresa continues to adjust so well to everything.


  1. ahhhh...sweet sweet Teresa! I'm so so happy that you have finally met your family!! We have been praying and praying for you. Praise the Lord!!


  2. So overjoyed that she has her family now and is coming home. Prayers going out that she does well on the plane and gets her transplant.

    I was also knocked over when I saw her new name! My name is Teresa and my China pearl daughter is Caroline! :)

  3. Hello. I am here by way of Robin, over at Tea for Two . . . We are also an adoptive family. Our little girl was a China Care baby in Baoji, born with microtia. We always LOVE following stories of other CC babies. And when word started getting out about your sweet little one needing a home SOON, I put the word out on my blog for prayer. So glad to see that prayer answered. May the Lord bless you all with the wisdom, resources, and guidance you need to parent this precious girl and to get her the medical help she needs. We also happen to be HUGE advocates of Children's Hospital of Philadelphi - one of the top two children's hospitals in the nation. So if we can ever be of help/connection there, let us know. In the meantime, congratulations and may God's richest blessings FLOOD your home and your family!

  4. HI Ann, Just found your blog via Robin's blog and your name sounds so familiar. Do you have a daughter from Pingxiang Jiangxi by any chance? If so we have alot in common and may have chatted along the way, I am so happy for you and have been praying for your little girl for along time. Kathy

  5. So glad to see Teresa with her family!!!
    Tears and smiles all around!!
    Praying for a healthy trip home.


  6. I have prayed for your sweet girl so many times. I am so happy that she is doing well! I can't wait to see the amazing things God has planned.

  7. How wonderful to see Teresa in the arms of her new family!!!! Please know I am praying for her!!


  8. So happy for all of you! We have been praying for Teresa to finally find her family. God is SO GOOD! Teresa looks so happy and content. We will continue to keep Teresa and your family in our prayers.

  9. Thank you Lord Jesus that Teresa did not have to get those vaccines! The 2nd photo of Teresa is adorable as ever...oh my word!

    I am on cloud 9 today to be able to follow your amazing journey!

    Love and blessings,

  10. I hopped over from Robin's blog, and I am DELIGHTED to see Teresa with your family!!! I've spent months praying for little "Lucy" and it is just SO wonderful to see those prayers have been answered!

  11. Every day I see her face on your blog...just makes mine!
    I am so thankful that Teresa didn't have to have the vaccines and that before long she will be home where she belongs.

  12. Thank you, Lord! We prayed so earnestly for sweet Teresa and your family! I am so thrilled to be able to see pictures of her with her amazing family!
