Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yes, We are adopting again

I guess it might not come as a surprise to some ,but to others I'm sure it does. Yes, we are adopting again. We never imagined we would be headed back to China so soon , especially after just getting home in December.

A three year old girl came to our attention that desperately needed a home. She is in need of a heart transplant. She had a family who was in the process of adopting her , but for unknown reasons the adoption was stopped. This left her needing a family again. We contacted her adoption Agency and they informed us that they were looking for a family that was already "logged in" with China . ( This would enable her to come home sooner because all of their paperwork would be complete). We had not started our Home Study therefore we could not be considered. We let the agency know that while they were seeking a family to come forward and adopt her , we would be willing to consider adopting her provided no other family stepped forward first. We felt that we could not sit back and let her die without giving her a chance at life.

So we waited... Many families reviewed her medical file , but then decided not to pursue her adoption . At this point we thought we should start our Home Study and Dossier in case another family did not come forward . Time is not on her side because of the severity of her heart condition . We rushed through the home study , completed all the documents for the Dossier and filed with immigration . Immigration was very kind and expedited all her papers to us after we supplied them with her medical information and documents from Doctors who verified how critical she was. We were then officially matched with her and became HER FAMILY. Now we wait for China to expedite their paperwork . We are hopefully expecting to travel in July to bring her home.

We are now in desperate need of fundraising to cover the adoption , travel and medical expenses that we expect to incur . We are open to any and all suggestions that any one might have on how to raise $25,000 by July. Continental Airlines has set up an account for our family to travel to China on with donated frequent flyer miles. If anyone has miles on Continental and would like to donate them , please email me - your full name- One Pass Frequent flyer number- Pin #- and How many miles you would like to donate . ( After the miles have been donated from your account , you can change your pin # , If this is more comfortable for you ). It's that easy! But mostly we need your prayers!!! Liu Fang is very sick and is in desperate need of a heart transplant. She has 5 major defects in her heart and the prognosis is not very good . All the Doctors that have reviewed her medical information have given her a very short life expectancy . I know some people will wonder why we would want to adopt a child that might not live very long ? WE discussed this as a family ,prayed deeply , received spiritual counseling and came to the conclusion ... It's not about us, it's about her . Yes we will have to make huge sacrifices in every aspect of our life as a family, but not giving a child the chance to experience life , no matter how long was not an option . She will know the love of a family with sisters and brothers for however long God decides to give her to us.

Our Pastors' advice to us was..."GOD will not lead you where HIS grace will not sustain you" . This is what we are holding on to...

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